Deborah (Debbie) Gordon:

Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor

Certified Case Manager

Debbie Gordon, MS, LCPC, CCM

With over 35 years of experience, Debbie Gordon is an expert in the field of vocational testing and counseling with a reputation among judges, lawyers, and clients alike for her objective, data-driven expert opinions on employment and vocational related matters.

Vocational Testing, Inc. and its President and Owner, Debbie Gordon, offer an array of services to clients of all backgrounds. 

Reach out to Debbie directly to learn about customizable service offerings to fit your needs.

Individuals Served Include:

  • Clients entering the labor market (recent high school and college graduates) 
  • Clients entering the labor market after an absence (due to disability, medical reasons, raising children, layoff, spousal support, etc.) 
  • Clients seeking to make a career change 
  • Clients pursuing education and training programs 
  • Clients with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities

Vocational Evaluation & Testing

Successful careers are built on individuals tapping into their aptitudes and interests. By administering assessments including the World of Work, Inc. (WOWI) career assessment, Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT5) and CareerScope, clients are supplied with hard data to assist them in identifying optimal vocational paths and goals specific to their areas of interest and aptitudes.

Transferable Skills Analysis

Many individuals lack insight into their transferable skills gained in previous positions and the areas to which those skills best translate. In combination with vocational testing, Debbie performs in-depth skill analysis to determine what skills clients have acquired throughout their educational and professional history, then identifies specific job titles and industries in which those skills and aptitudes would be best leveraged. Armed with this information, clients are better able to focus their job search efforts.

Career Exploration

A particular role or industry may sound interesting on paper, but without insight into the requirements, day-to-day responsibilities, and nuances of the career, it is often difficult to gauge if the role or industry would be a viable option and perhaps even more importantly, one that you would enjoy. Through an in-depth look at your aptitudes and interests, Debbie helps determine if your job targets are viable vocational options and if so, guides you towards resources to secure your desired job.

Job Search Training & Coaching

Once a client has a clear career goal, it is time to help them achieve their objectives. Through personalized assistance with online job search techniques, interviewing strategies and tracking job search efforts. Debbie helps clients secure employment opportunities.  Debbie can also provide referrals and assistance to clients to help create a resume and LinkedIn profile.

Career Changes?

Considering Re-entering the Labor Market?

Are you unsatisfied with your career?

Is your job being phased out?

Vocational counseling will assist you in identifying appropriate occupations based on your aptitudes and interests and help you navigate the career exploration process. Once potential job goals have been identified, the career exploration process will assist you in learning about the occupations that you are considering including but not limited to: job descriptions, employment opportunities, skills required, training required (if any), and potential salaries. 

Are you heading off to college?

Too many students embark on their college journey without considering their aptitudes and interests. Students are asked (or required) to pick majors and areas of study having little or no idea or knowledge of the course of study, vocational opportunities upon graduation, or what the job is really all about. Decisions about college studies are often made based on what sounds interesting without knowing enough about course of study, the jobs that will be available upon completion, and whether these jobs will even be something the student will want to do after graduation. Make the most of your college experience by learning more about your aptitudes and interests before selecting your major or course of study.

Employment Retention & On-the-Job Coaching

For some, once they start their new position the hard work of maintaining their job and thriving in a new environment begins. For others, career advice may only be needed during particularly difficult times. Whether a client requires routine assistance navigating work challenges due to extenuating circumstances (disability, unstable work environment, etc.) or just needs objective advice on an as-needed basis (upcoming performance review, salary negotiations, etc.), employment retention advice and on-the-job coaching services can be of assistance.

Vocational Trial Expert

As a Vocational expert, Debbie Gordon of Vocational Testing, Inc. has been qualified to testify in divorce matters in Cook County, Lake County, Will County, Kane County, McHenry County, and DuPage County; Columbus, OH; Rabbinical Council and Binding Arbitration. Further, Debbie has been appointed and is able to testify as a 604(b) expert in Cook County, IL and a 503(l) expert in Lake County, IL. Debbie is currently available to consult on vocational issues in divorce matters and provide vocational counseling to those in need of re-entering the labor market.

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